(Currently, we offer to pay in several times without charge by calling us at 0468480098.)
If you need further information about your next stay at the campsite, please do not hesitate to contact our team by phone +33 (0) 4 68 48 00 98 or by e-mail:
We’ll be pleased to advise you on the best way to spend your vacation in Aude.
Cap du Roc campsite ****
1700 Route de La Palme
11210 Port-la-Nouvelle
Reception opening hours: 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 8pm
GPS coordinates:
Latitude 42° 59’ 48.6 » N, Longitude 3° 02 ‘ 26 « E.
… or fill in the contact form below.
How to find us
Cap du Roc campsite is located on the 709 between Port-la-Nouvelle and La Palme, equidistant from Gruissan, Sigean and Narbonne-plage.
By road :
Take the A9 freeway towards Perpignan and exit in Sigean, then take the N139 towards Port-la-Nouvelle, and exit onto the D709 towards La Palme.
By air :The nearest airport is Carcassonne.